Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What a Week

This past week has been quite a thing. We've experienced everything from freezing cold temperatures and snows that crippled Atlanta (and left many people stranded in their cars) to days that felt like spring; all within seven days.

I'll admit that I was pretty excited when the snows came. It isn't everyday in the south that you get so much snow. But, after a day of it, I was ready for snow-free days... quite unlike my daughter, who would run around outside in the snow, cheeks red from cold, nose frozen and runny, bent over making snowballs that she would throw at Mom and Dad (or rub into our jeans).

"Are you ready to go inside where it's warm, Joves?" We'd ask.
"Ummm... no. And neither is Daddy. Or Mommy." We were told

But then I was even more done with the cold after one of our pipes burst, spewing water into our office. Luckily, damage was minimal; thankfully, we are renting.

Then my computer went haywire and had to be sent off to be repaired - and won't return for some time. Then how are you blogging? Magic!

So, goodbye last week...

...and on to this week!

Cool things are happening at The Stone. We are into our second official month of being launched, more and more new people are checking us out (not in that way), we have some workdays coming up to build some cool things, like a sound booth (which goes along well with our new DIY series), and we are still getting some awesome people willing to come up to lead worship for us every Sunday (this week is Danny Dukes)!

So, while we are struggling with broken pipes, defective computers, and trusting God to provide the money we need, we are excited about what is to come and the progress that has already been made. A huge thank you to all who have checked out the blog and to those have already given to us out of kindness and love, whether it be a delicious home-cooked meal or an equally wonderful financial gift.

Stay tuned for pictures showing how much progress we've made during our upcoming workday and an updated gallery (once I get my computer back)!

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