Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Little Ways

/sərv/ - verb
1. a Church-inese word (much like the word struggling) that can sometimes lose it's meaning when used too often in conversation to describe actions not actually pertaining to serving.

Serving should be highly associated with the church, it's what we're all about.

The Stone Church has said that it wants to be a serving church, which sounds nice... we should be a serving church. But how do we serve people? How can we go out of our way to make people's lives better?

Serving people can be done in huge ways, like opening a food pantry or homeless shelter, and in little ways, like letting someone over in traffic (without giving them the hawaiian-good-luck-sign)...

The Stone Church has made a little change that helps us to serve people... we're buying different coffee.
Seriously? Different coffee? Wow, what a servant....
Hey, I said we could serve in little ways, too.
And it may not seem like a big deal, but it is! We're now buying Fair-Trade coffee for Sunday morning.

Don't know much about Fair Trade? Here's a few reasons why it's super cool:

  1. It ensures that the people growing the coffee beans get paid a fair price for their products (which means better health, schooling, and housing for the farmers and their communities)
  2. It goes hand-in-hand with a sustainable approach to farming (which means the people who grow the beans get to use their land for a lot longer and the environment doesn't suffer from poor farming habits)
  3. It helps to ensure a high quality product that is... well... just great.

I love being a part of a church that tries to even use coffee to help people.

Does this mean we've reached the pinnacle of serving? That we're not missing a single opportunity to serve people in our own community? That we're better than other churches who buy Kroger coffee or use creamer? NO!*

But, if we keep an attitude of serving and don't just look to help people thousands of miles away, but serve people outside our front doors, then we're on the right track, I think.

In the meantime, I don't think the our pens are very sustainable... I've heard that there's a company that makes these bamboo pens filled with naturally-gathered, organic ink from squids who vote democrat... I need to check that out...

Informative links:
Fair Trade USA

Cafe Campesino

*Actually, we are better than people who drink their coffee with creamer... just sayin'...

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