Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Giving In

Reasons Why I Am NOT currently on Facebook:

1) I know people on Facebook

2) There is great freedom in anonymity

3) I'm pretty bad about keeping up with on-going digital conversations (I never feel more like a hostage than when someone includes me in a group text message...)

4) I was on Facebook back when it was college kids only and I kinda like being able to tell people I was on Facebook before it was cool (because it makes me feel better about myself)

5) It allows random people to spy on me and see what I'm doing without my knowledge

Reasons Why I am JOINING Facebook (right after this post):

1) I eat a lot of meals that go un-photographed and un-posted-to-the-internet and that's a shame (...or is that instagram? I have a lot of "where to post the food you're eating because people care" research to do...)

2) My Grandparents are on Facebook (and have been for years) and I refuse to be less electronically savvy than them

3) There are a lot of people that I want to be friends with, but actually getting to know them in real life is just too much work.

4) I have too much of a life right now and think my time would be better spent correcting people's grammar mistakes in a public forum

5) It allows me to spy on random people and see what they're doing without their knowledge

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