Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Little White Envelopes

Well... they've been sent.

Those little white envelopes filled with letters and pictures and hopes and fears. 

It's easy to see why those envelopes are filled with letters and pictures and hopes, at least. Without the letters there would be nothing for people to read; without the pictures (and the information on the back of those pictures) people wouldn't have the whole story; and there has to be hope... always hope.

But why fears? 

So much of this past year has been about fear. Fear of leaving a good job, fear of moving to Cartersville, fear of getting involved in a new community, fear of failure, fear of rejection... But why fear in these letters? They carry my fear of offending people... or maybe people won't be able to see the heart behind the letter and will just see someone trying to con them out of their hard-earned money. It's a fear that I'll be rejected, or worse: that I'll alienate those for which I care most.

What could possibly be in these little white envelopes? You  may be asking. Although, you probably aren't because you've probably been directed to this blog through those very same little white envelopes.

Those little white envelopes carry a request for people to help raise support so that my family and I can be a major part of The Stone Church, a church re-plant in Cartersville, GA, which is already impacting the community in a big way.

A year ago if you asked me if I'd ever try to raise support for myself and my family so that we could be a part of The Stone Church I would have said a resounding, "No." Trust me, someone did ask me and I did say a resounding, "No." But I have learned, through listening to those wiser than I, that I have to face my fear of rejection and my fear that no one will understand and my fear that no money will come in and follow the thing that has been laid deep within my heart and the heart of my family. We must be a part of The Stone Church, it is right where we need to be right now. And sometimes we must ask others for help, even if it is emasculating and fear-inducing... or perhaps especially if it is.

Welcome to the adventure of planting The Stone Church!

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